Tips and Tricks - Windows 7 List of keyboard Shortcuts

Posted on Monday, October 12, 2009
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Management for Windows has been and is always an easy task. Using keyboard shortcuts makes it easier and help Windows can get around very fast. Using keyboard shortcuts also increases the efficiency of a user.

Keyboard shortcuts are most important to users of computer power. If you want to increase their productivity, then you should know all the keyboard shortcuts in Windows that is required to carry out their daily computer activity. Windows Vista and XP Keyboard Shortcuts have almost the same, but more recent Microsoft Windows operating system 7 has many new keyboard shortcuts.

Here is a list of all new, As old windows 7 keyboard shortcut will no doubt be useful to all users of Windows 7 windows 7 beta experiment first.

Win + arrow: - Maximize the actual window

Win + Down Arrow: - If the current window is maximized, restore, if you restore the current window, minimize

Win + Left Arrow: - Dock real window of a half left of the screen

Arrrow Win + Right: - Dock real window of the right half of the screen

Win + Home: - Minimize all, but the actual window

Win + P: - Open the projection (usually used for portable computers connected to each projector)

Alt + F4 - Close the active window

Alt + Tab - Switch to previous active window

Alt + Esc - one cycle through all open windows

Win + Tab: - Flip 3D

Ctrl + Win + Tab: - Persistent Flip 3D

Win + T: - Cycle through applications in one taskbar (showing its live preview)

Win + M - Minimize all open windows

Win + Shift + M - Undo all window minimization

Win + D - Toggle showing the desktop

Win + arrow: - Maximize the actual window

Win + Down Arrow: - If the current window is maximized, restore, if you restore the current window, minimize

Win + Left Arrow: - Dock real window of a half left of the screen

Win + Right Arrow: - Dock real window of the right half of the screen

Win + Home: - Minimize all, but the actual window

I'll try to update this post if there are new shortcuts. Stay Updated.

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